Plotting Cookbook

This appendix will provide ggplot example R code and output for of all the graphs that we might use this term. For further information, I highly recommend Kieran Healy’s Data Visualization book and Hadley Wikham’s ggplot2 book.

All the examples provided will use the standard example datasets that we have been working with throughout the term.


Oddly, barplots are one of the trickiest graphs in ggplotif you want proportions rather than absolute frequencies for each category. To make proportions, I need to specify y=..prop.. in the aesthetics, and then use group=1 to ensure that all categories are part of a single group and thus have proportions that sum up to one. In the code below, I am also using the scale_y_continuous command and the scales::percent command to label the tickmarks on the y-axis as percents rather than proportions.

A barplot

Figure 91: A barplot

The result of this code is shown in Figure 91. Because the tickmark labels are self-explanatory I use a value of NULL for the y-axis label.


Histograms are a snap in ggplot. The binwidth argument will allow you to easily resize bin widths without having to provide every break as base plot does.

A basic histogram

Figure 92: A basic histogram

Figure 92 shows the basic histogram from the code above. By default, ggplot will not place a border around bars, but I like to make the border a slightly different color (e.g. col="black") to provide better visual definition.

You can also calculate density instead of count, if you prefer, by adding the y=..density.. option to the aesthetics. Density is the proportion of cases in a bin, divided by bin width. If you plot a histogram with density, you can also overlay this figure with a smoothed line approximating the distribution called a kernel density. These results are shown in Figure 93.

A histogram with kernel density smoother

Figure 93: A histogram with kernel density smoother


The only tricky thing to a boxplot in ggplot is to remember that the aesthetic is y not x. Its not required, but setting x="" in the aesthetics and then setting the x label to NULL will also create a cleaner display with no x-axis. I also apply a geom_boxplot only argument here that colors outliers a different color.

A basic boxplot

Figure 94: A basic boxplot

You can also try a geom_violin instead which basically gives you a mirrored kernel density plot. For a single variable, use x=1 because geom_violin requires an x aesthetic. Below, I show how you can extend this into a comparative violin plot.

A violin plot

Figure 95: A violin plot

Comparative Barplots

Comparative barplots are definitely one of the most difficult cases to graph properly in ggplot because grouping causes all kinds of issues with calculating proportions correctly. The best approach that I have found is to use faceting to separate out the barplots of one variable by the categories of the other variable. The basic code is then identical to that for a single barplot above with the addition of a facet_wrap command to identify the second categorical variable to use for faceting.

A comparative barplot made by faceting

Figure 96: A comparative barplot made by faceting

Figure 96 shows the result. In this case, since survival and death are mirror images, we could convey the same information, but with much less ink by a simple dotplot of the percent surviving by passenger class. However, this would require some preparatory work to prepare the data in the way we want to display it. For the undergraduate class, you are not required to understand how to prepare this data.

A simple dotplot

Figure 97: A simple dotplot

Figure 97 shows the resulting dotplot. If that is a little too spartan for you, you could try a lollipop graph, shown in Figure 98. The geom_lollipop is in the ggalt library.

A lollipop plot

Figure 98: A lollipop plot

Comparative Boxplots

To construct comparative boxplots, we just need to add an x to the aesthetic of a boxplot.

A basic comparative boxplot

Figure 99: A basic comparative boxplot

The mediocre results are shown in Figure 99. The labels on the x-axis often run into one another, so coord_flip is a good option to avoid that. In addition, I can also use the varwidth argument in geom_boxplot to scale the width of boxplots relative to the number of observations.

Flipping coordinates for better display

Figure 100: Flipping coordinates for better display

My improved comparative boxplot is shown in Figure 100. However, Its also often useful to re-order the categories by the mean or median of the quantitative variable. We can do this with the reorder command:

Re-order categories by median

Figure 101: Re-order categories by median

The results are shown in Figure 101. In this case, we used the reorder command to reorder the categories of Genre by the median value of Runtime.

We could also try a comparative violin plot as shown in Figure 102.

A comparative violin plot

Figure 102: A comparative violin plot


The geom_point command gives us the the geom we want for scatterplots. We can also use geom_smooth to graph a variety of lines to our data. Setting an alpha value can help with overplotting as well by providing semi-transparency.

Basic Scatterplot

Figure 103: Basic Scatterplot

The results are shown in Figure 103. As more points are plotted in the same position, the overall plot darkens. However, there is still a lot of overplotting because age is only recorded in whole numbers. In cases like this, we can use geom_jitter rather than geom_point to randomly perturb each value pair a little bit, as shown in Figure 14.

Jittering points to deal with overplotting

Figure 104: Jittering points to deal with overplotting

It is often useful to apply some model to the data to draw a best-fitting line through the points. The geom_smooth function will do this for us and we can use the method argument to specify what kind of model we want to fit. You an apply non-parametric smoothers like LOESS as well as an OLS regression line. Lets first try a LOESS smoother.

Plotting loess smoother to data

Figure 105: Plotting loess smoother to data

Figure 105 shows us the smoothed line. It looks like an inverted U-shaped distribution. Family income is also highly right skewed. Lets try scale_y_log10 to put income on a log-scale (advanced).

Changing scale of y-axis to logarithmic

Figure 106: Changing scale of y-axis to logarithmic

Figure 106 shows the scatterplot with an exponential scale for the y-axis. Note how the values go from $1K to $10K to $100K at even intervals.

Now lets try switch the smoothing to a linear model, by simply changing the method in geom_smooth:

Fitting an OLS regression line

Figure 107: Fitting an OLS regression line

Figure 107 shows the OLS line predicting income. Its pretty flat which to some extent hides the underlying curvilinear relationship. In practice, I would probably want to apply a quadratic term on age to any regression model.

Finally, we can add add in an aesthetic for a third categorical variable by applying color to the plots. In this case, I will color the plots by highest degree received.

Adding color aesthetic

Figure 108: Adding color aesthetic

Figure 108 shows the result. Because I defined the color aesthetic in geom_jitter rather than the base ggplot command, I still only get one smoothed OLS regression line for the whole dataset. If I wanted separate lines by educational level, I could add the color aesthetic to ggplot instead.

Separate OLS lines by color aesthetic

Figure 109: Separate OLS lines by color aesthetic

Figure 109 shows the same plot but now with separate lines for each educational level. We are basically plotting interaction terms here between age and educational level.

Instead of coloration, I could have used faceting to try to separate out differences by education. Figure 110 shows the results using this approach. For this graph, I use two separate geom_smooth commands to get the LOESS and linear fit for each panel.

facet by education instead of color

Figure 110: facet by education instead of color

If you have a small number of cases, it might make sense to label your values. You can label values with geom_text but you can often run into problems with labels being truncated or overlapping.

labeling points can look really bad

Figure 111: labeling points can look really bad

Figure 111 shows labeling with the default geom_text approach. You can fiddle with a variety of arguments here that let you offset the labels but it rarely produces clean labels. The library ggrepel has a function geom_text_repel that will work harder to place labels in a readable position:

repel works better for labeling points, but still can get too busy

Figure 112: repel works better for labeling points, but still can get too busy