Aaron Gullickson
727 PLC\
University of Oregon\
Eugene, OR 97403\
- 2014-
- Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2007-2014
- Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2004-2007
- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
- 2004
- PhD, Sociology and Demography, University of California, Berkeley
- 2001
- MA, Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
- 1999
- MA, Demography, University of California, Berkeley
- 1998
- BA, Sociology, University of Washington
- 1998
- Minor, Statistics, University of Washington
Refereed Articles
- 2019
- Gullickson, Aaron. “The Racial Identification of Young Adults in a Racially Complex Society.” Emerging Adulthood, 7(2): 150-161.
- 2018
- Gullickson, Aaron. “The Diverging Beliefs and Practices of the Religiously Affiliated and Unaffiliated in the United States.” Sociological Science, 5: 361-379.
- 2017
- Gullickson, Aaron. “Comments on Conceptualizing and Measuring the Exchange of Beauty and Status.” American Sociological Review, 82(5):1093-1099.
- 2016
- Gullickson, Aaron. “Essential Measures: Ancestry, Race, and Social Difference.” American Behavioral Scientist 60(4): 498-518.
- 2014
- Gullickson, Aaron and Florencia Torche. “Patterns of racial and educational assortative mating in Brazil.” Demography 51(3):835-856.
- 2013
- Marwell, Nicole P. and Aaron Gullickson. “Inequality in the Spatial Allocation of Social Provision: The Distribution of Government Contracts to Nonprofit Organizations in New York City.” Social Services Review 87(2): 319-353.
- 2013
- Saperstein, Aliya and Aaron Gullickson. “A Mulatto Escape Hatch? Examining Evidence of U.S. Racial and Social Mobility During the Jim Crow Era.” Demography 50(5):1921-1942. Winner of the 2013 IPUMS Research Award for best article using IPUMS-USA data.
- 2011
- Gullickson, Aaron and Ann Morning. “Choosing Race: Multiracial Ancestry and Identification.” Social Science Research 40(2):498-512.
- 2010
- Gullickson, Aaron. “Racial Boundary Formation at the Dawn of Jim Crow: The Determinants and Effects of Black/Mulatto Occupational Differences in the United States, 1880.” American Journal of Sociology 116(1):187-231.
- 2010
- Gullickson, Aaron and Vincent Kang Fu. “Comment: An Endorsement of Exchange Theory in Mate Selection.” American Journal of Sociology 115(4):1243-1251.
- 2006
- Gullickson, Aaron. “Education and Black/White Interracial Marriage. Demography 43(4):673-689.
- 2006
- Gullickson, Aaron. “Black-White Interracial Marriage Trends, 1850-2000.” The Journal of Family History 31(3):1-24.
- 2005
- Gullickson, Aaron. “The Significance of Color Declines: A Re-Analysis of Skin Tone Differential in Post-Civil Rights America.” Social Forces 84(1): 157-180.
- 2004
- Hammel, Eugene A. and Aaron Gullickson. “Kinship Structure and Survival: Maternal Mortality on the Croatian-Bosnian Border, 1750-1898.” Population Studies 58(2):145-159.
- 2004
- Beilman, Greg J., Jodie H. Taylor, Lisa Job, Jesse Moen, and Aaron Gullickson. “Population-based prediction of trauma volumes at a level I trauma centre.” Injury 35(12):1239-1247.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- 2005
- Hammel, Eugene A. and Aaron Gullickson. “Maternal Mortality as an Indicator of the Standard of Living in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Slavonia” in Robert C. Allen, Tommy Bengtsson and Martin Dribe, Living Standards in the Past: New Perspectives on Well-Being in Asia and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 277-306.
Awards and Honors
- 2018
- Excellence Award for Director of Graduate Studies, Graduate School, University of Oregon.
Grants Awarded
External Funding
- 2007
- “The Spatial Allocation of Social Provision: Government Contracting, Material Resources and Urban Poverty.” National Science Foundation Grant SBR #0648320. $104,452. Co-Principal Investigator with Nicole Marwell.
- 2005
- “Socioeconomic and Kinship Factors in Infant and Child Mortality in Historical Slavonia.” National Science Foundation Grant SBR #0514291. $32,367. Co-Principal Investigator with Eugene Hammel.
Institutional Funding
- 2006
- “The Development and Diffusion of Anti-Miscegenation Statutes in the United States, 1800-1967.” 2006. Columbia University Junior Faculty Summer Research Grant. $3000.
Recent Presentations
Invited Talks
- 2015
- “Essential Measures: Race, Ancestry, and Social Difference.” Paper presented at the Demography Training Seminar, Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 8.
- 2010
- “Choosing Race: Multiracial Ancestry and Identification.” Paper presented at the Bay Area Colloquium on Population, Department of Demography, University of California, Berkeley, December 2. (co-authored with Ann Morning)
- 2009
- “Racial Boundary Formation at the Dawn of Jim Crow: The Determinants and Effects of Black/Mulatto Occupational Differences in the United States, 1880.” Paper presented at the Sociology Department Colloquium Series, University of Washington, October 6.
- 2009
- “Racial Boundary Formation at the Dawn of Jim Crow: The Determinants and Effects of Black/Mulatto Occupational Differences in the United States, 1880.” Paper presented at the Minnesota Population Center Seminar Series, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, February 9.
Conference Presentations
- 2011
- “A Mulatto Escape Hatch? Examining Evidence of U.S. Racial and Social Mobility During the Jim Crow Era.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, April, Washington DC.
- 2009
- “Red, White, and Black: Interracial Marriage from 1850 to 2000.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, April, Detroit, MI.
- 2009
- “Black/Irish: How did Americans understand their multiracial ancestry in Census 2000?” 2009. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, April, Detroit, MI.
Courses Taught
Quantitative Methods in Sociology (undergraduate)
Sociology of Race Relations (undergraduate)
Mixed Race in the Americas (undergraduate)
Residential Segregation (undergraduate)
Racial Identities: Whiteness and Mixed Race in America (undergraduate)
Global Population (undergraduate)
Issues in Family Sociology (undergraduate)
Sociological Research Methods (graduate statistics course with research component)
Racial and Ethnic Inequality (graduate seminar)
Ph.D. Dissertation Committees
- Katie Warden. Advocacy Strategies of Parents of Children with Disabilities. Sociology, University of Oregon.
- Michelle Alexander. Playing Gods. Sociology, University of Oregon.
- Alberto Lioy. Electoral Revolutions: a comparative study of rapid changes in voter turnout. Political Science, University of Oregon. (outside member)
- 2019
- Drew McNichols. Essays in Labor Economics. Economics, University of Oregon. (outside member)
- 2019
- Nathan Biemiller. Essays in Behavioral Economics. Economics, University of Oregon. (outside member)
- 2018
- Tongyu Wu. Coding Productivity: Negotiation of Ethnicized Masculine Boundaries in High-Tech Corporations. Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2017
- MeCherri Abedi-Anim. African Immigrant Identities: Black Identity and Racial Solidarity in Post-Civil Rights America. Sociology, University of Oregon. (chair)
- 2017
- Shih-Chi Lin. Structural Changes and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health in Post-reform China. Sociology, University of Oregon. (chair)
- 2017
- Martha Camargo. Reinvigorating the Contact Hypothesis. Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2017
- Uyen Nguyen. Vietnamese American Racialization and Ethnic Organizations. Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2017
- Erica G. Birk. Essays in Health and Labor. Economics, University of Oregon. (outside member)
- 2016
- Joshua Melton. Beyond One-Size Fits All: Using Heterogeneous Models to Estimate School Performane in Mathematics. Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, School of Education. (outside member)
Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam Committees
- 2018
- Mirranda Willette, Food and Society, University of Oregon.
- 2016
- Kathryn Norton-Smith, Race/Ethnicity, University of Oregon.
- 2015
- Katie Warden, Race/Ethnicity, University of Oregon.
- 2013
- Kathleen Thomas, Criminology, Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2012
- Rob Molinar, Social Stratification, Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2012
- MeCherri Tarver, Race/Ethnicity and Migration, Sociology, University of Oregon, (chair).
- 2011
- Shi-Chi Lin, Marriage and Family, Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2008
- Keith Appleby, Statistical Methods, Sociology, University of Oregon.
M.A. Committees
- 2019:
- Mauricio Betancourt. “The effect of Cuban agroecology in mitigating the metabolic rift: a quantitative approach to Latin American food production.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2018
- Erickson, Natasha. “Labeling and Delinquency: Assessing the Relationship between Special Education and Gifted Labels and Post High School Arrests.” Sociology, University of Oregon. (chair)
- 2014
- Dyer, Shauna. “Late to School: Public Transfers and the Educational Opportunities of Poor Mothers.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2014
- Fontenot, Justin. “3-2-1-Go! Barbells, Paleo, ! and Muscles!” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2012
- Wu, Tongyu. “One Store, Two Fates: Urban and Rural Workers in the Beijing Retail Stores.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2012
- Fulbright, Leslie. “A coffin or a cell: An Urban Family Portrait.” Literary Nonfiction, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon.
- 2011
- Uyen L. Nguyen. “Vietnamese Americans and Ethnic Authenticity at a Culture Camp for Co-ethnic transracial adoptees.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2010
- Kathy Thomas. “Toward a Theory of Transnationalized Transition.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2010
- Matt Friesen. “Contesting Symbolic Violence: Counter Recruitment and Resistance to the U.S. Military in Public Education.” Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2009
- Shih-Chi Lin. “Is there really a demand for sons?” Sociology, University of Oregon.
Undergraduate Honors Theses Advised
- 2016
- Daniel Silberman. “The Punitive Hippies: Racial Group-Threat and Criminal Justice Outcomes in Oregon.” University of Oregon, Department of Sociology. (primary advisor)
- 2015
- Anders Herreid-O’Neill. “The Hyper-White City: A Critique of Gentrification-Displacement Theory.” University of Oregon, Department of Sociology. (primary advisor)
- 2011
- Ellen Hackenmueller. “Latino Lockup: Hispanic Cultural Identity and Other Factors Influencing Successful Post-Incarceration Community Re-Entry.” University of Oregon, Clark Honors College and Department of International Studies. (primary advisor)
- 2009
- Maggie Price. “The Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: The Effects of Age at Parental Divorce on Marital Stability in Adulthood.” University of Oregon, Department of Sociology. (primary advisor)
- 2009
- Yusuke Makino. “Poverty and Labor Market Outcomes: Life Chances of the Poor.” University of Oregon, Department of Sociology. (primary advisor)
Departmental Service
- 2014-
- Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2014-
- Admissions and Award Committee, Sociology, University of Oregon (chair)
- 2017-2018
- Merit Committee, Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2016-2017
- Executive Committee, Sociology, University of Oregon.
- 2012-2014
- Colloquium Series co-Organizer, Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2011-2013
- Faculty Development Committee, Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2008-2010
- Colloquium Series Organizer, Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2007-2008
- Curriculum Committee, Sociology, University of Oregon
- 2006-2007
- Admissions Committee, Sociology, Columbia University
- 2004-2007
- Graduate Student Travel Grant Coordinator, Columbia University
University Service
- 2019-
- University Senator, University of Oregon
- 2019-2020
- Social Sciences Academic Continuity Team, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon
- 2018-2019
- Excellence Awards Selection Committee, University of Oregon Graduate School
- 2017-2018
- Communities for Accelerating the Impact of Teaching-Teaching Online, Teaching Engagement Program, University of Oregon
- 2016-2019
- Undergraduate Research Award Committee, University of Oregon Libraries
- 2010-2011
- Advisory Committee Member, Social Science Instructional Lab, University of Oregon
Professional Service
- 2019-
- Editor, Socius
- 2018-2019
- Selection Committee, James E. Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award from the Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, American Sociological Association
- 2014-2016
- Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology
- 2012-2013
- Advisory Editor, Sociological Perspectives
- 2011-2013
- Advisory Editor, Social Problems
Manuscript reviewer for: American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Demographic Research, Demography, Historical Methods, Journal of Marriage and Family, Population Research and Policy Review, Social Forces, Social Problems, Social Science Quarterly, Social Science Research, Sociological Perspectives